Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Natural resources management

Management of everything that touches upon lives and life system of earth surface is natural resources management.

Natural resources management includes making proper utilization and conservation
of objects, creatures and materials that can be moved, shaped, built upon, built with and manipulated for any useful purpose. It also includes inspire, relax or strengthen of human as individual groups. All used in large scale in a organized way of water, land, forest, wildlife, minerals and other resources of energy is natural resources management.

Human developed technology and rapid growing population are the main challenges of present word.
We need to use and mobilize natural resources wisely in order to safe future “spaceship earth” to living creatures including man.

Natural resources management is to use an object to perform work or change shapes value and prices.

Natural resources management is a method for calculated institutional intervention in the process of both using and conserving the resources, based on updated environmental knowledge.

A comprehensive strategy for natural resources management is based on multidisciplinary field of study, interdisciplinary approach to study and holistic view to development. Thus the characteristic of natural resources management are:

1.       Socio-economic characteristics
2.       Environmental characteristics
3.       Integrational characteristics
a.       Integration  at the discipline level
b.      Integration a at the geophysical level
c.       Integration at the institutional level
d.      Integration at economy and ecological level.

The framework within which human actions are evolving in geophysical base that have long history of change and development. It is therefore, need is to understand the specific human and natural resource contexts in a dynamic frame.

The environmental or natural characteristics of any location-specific area can largely be considered into development process. The evolution of this process has been restrained by the existing geophysical, institutional and power structures that affects the change and development. Integrated development or eco-development can suit for the sustaining purpose which may be synonyms of natural or environmental resources management or sustainable development.

Natural resources management is the process of keeping balance of nature for continuous cycle of materials.
Natural resources management can be defined as the process sand methods to proper use of environmental resources through protection, preservation and conservation. Natural resources management in broad sense is doing something for preserving an area in its natural state.

Or as a process of decision making for providing alternative solution of conservation and development.

Natural resources management is long and complex process often requiring public participation. Though people believe that for natural resources are held in trust byu government for the benefits of the people. But it is not true. Community people have to encourage participating in decision making process for sustainable management of available resources.

The concept of natural resources management can be defined as the process and method of development, preservation and conservation fo natural and environmental resources.

We have to manage natural resources to provide for the present and future needs and wants of our people.
Approaches to natural resources management

1.       Exploitation
2.       Preservation
3.       Utilitarian approach
4.       Ecological or sustainable approach

To apply the principles of natural resources management needs to apply the management of human system. It requires change in us for creating a sustainable future along with making many changes in human system and bringing out lives and our business within the ecological limits of our life planet.

We can use to govern out lives and our system of commerce to put human civilization back on a sustainable path.

Thus the management of the natural resources is the use of the full sense of resources ownership.

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