Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Environmental degradation

Environmental degradation is overall lowering of environmental qualities and adverse changes brought out by man in environmental or natural resources such as land degradation, deforestation and desertification, water quality depletion, air and water pollution, and deterioration quality of human beings.

It is also called by the different names. They are:

1.       Environmental degradation
2.       Environmental resource depletion
3.       Environmental resource deterioration
4.       Environmental resource damage
5.       Environmental resource disappearing for vanish
6.       Environmental pollution
7.       Ecological instability
8.       Natural hazards and social vulnerability
9.       Poverty

The world people have become both victims and the agents of environmental degradation. The poorest people are too often  forced to meet short term survival needs at the cost of long term sustainability due to lack of access to an adequate diet, decent housing, basic sanitation, clean water education, medical care and other essential for a humane existence.

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