Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Human and nature interactions

We cannot command nature except by obeying her” – Francis bacon

Mankind is a part of nature, subject to the force of gravitation to the law of energy transfer to the need for food and reproduction.

Man detached to nature and viewed as new sort of geological forcer which able to reshaping the landscape, favoring some kinds of species and destroying others, changing the very physical and chemical composition of earth surface and atmosphere too.

Man is the part from nature the physical chemical quality of nature has changed in many folds due to the manipulation of nature.

We might well call the development of the relationship between nature, man and science. Scientific revolution processed the industrial revolution with advanced economics with an abundance replaced physical labor, achieved a remarkable degree of control over natural constraints.

There is no single solution and no single road to wisdom, understanding and contentment. Because of we gain power faster than wisdom which directs destroy ourselves. We need a multidisciplinary inquiry and efforts to maintain long-term balance between nature, man and science. Our mission to move upward has to develop the scientific and humanistic culture in balanced way. Of we miss these two cultures in science fiction space age, we will at age of anxiety.

Nature is the gift of god which needs to be preserved through our indigenous philosophies and cultural values for creating a state of peaceful coexistence in  an ecological conscience.

From an European cultural concept environment seems as metaphor triumph over struggle, for domain form of social management of weak environment. While from the point of view, marginal environmental conditions it considers the biological capacity development or the adaptation of changing environment.

Man is the product of nature. This means not merely that he is a child of the earth, dust of her dust, but that the earth has mothered him, fed him, set him tasks, directed his thoughts and entered his soul.

Many aspects of life depends either upon the density of the population and the stage of civilization or upon the physical and mental qualities arising from biological inheritance, the geographical surroundings are only one of the great factors which determine the progress of a nation.

An open mind is not one which is empty of presuppositions but one which is open to the modifying impact of fresh evidence, and that no conceivable hypothesis or framework if reference can free us from potential bias in one from another.

Interrectionism is a kind of probableism as compromise between extreme portion of environment, determinism and radical possibilism.

Nature spesks this land is too dry, too cold, too wet and too rugged as traffic policeman use-stop and go- method for the regulation of traffic route.

Approaches of interrectionism

1.       Economic production mode approach
2.       Socio-morphological approach
3.       Technology development approach
4.       Ecological approach
5.       System approach

Man’s adjustment with environment

1.       Adaptation
a.       Development of biological capacity
b.      Change in morphological characteristics
c.       Adaptive change
d.      Less developed area

2.       Modification
a.       Change environment is favour
b.      Advancement of science and technology
c.       Lead the dramatic change
d.      Developed area.

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